News Flash


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Headteacher: Tracie Langfield

Elm Class (Year 3 and 4)


Children in Year 3 and 4 are expected to complete a reading and spelling, English, maths and wider curriculum lesson each day. These will be for up to 40 minutes.

Between lessons, children can take part in a physical activity, go for a walk or read a book.

Please upload any work completed onto Seesaw.

A suggested timetable for you to follow:


Read your home reading book or a book from home.


Choose a spelling rule to learn. Complete the activities and upload your work onto Seesaw.

Practice reading and spelling the Year 3 and 4 spelling words.


Practice your addition and subtraction. Choose a video and watch it.

Year 3    Year 4

Share what you have learnt by recording your calculations and learning.

Spend 10 minutes playing Times Table Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play

Wider Curriculum

Who was Mary Anning?

Create an information page about the Mary Anning. Create a timeline to show the biggest events in Mary’s life.

What do fossil fuels and renewable energy mean?

 Use the information from the website above and create a table to explain the different between a fossil fuel and renewable energy.

Which is better for our planet and why?

Year 4 – what changes can you make in your own life to be more sustainable?


Watch the story of Jonah and the Whale.

Create a piece of work that retells this story.

Jonah prays for forgiveness in the story. Why do we ask for forgiveness? When and why have you asked for forgiveness?

What is Hinduism?

Read the information on the link about Hinduism.

Create a poster sharing your learning about Hinduism. Include a glossary of key terms.

Physical Activities

Multiplication Circle

Skills School

5 Minute Challenge

Spiders Web

Squat and Shoot

Take a moment to stretch and be mindful

Go Noodle