PE & Sport at Astley
At Astley School we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of all our pupils. We believe that the PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of every single learner in our school.
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What is the Sports Premium Grant?
Sports Premium funding is provided to develop the long term skills of staff, increase the opportunities and availability of sport and develop competitive sport in school. In the year 2023 to 2024, Astley C.E. Primary School has received £18,830.00 Sports Premium Grant. A report on how this grant has been spent is available here
Astley is a small school that has always understood the importance of PE and sport to our learners and we strive to ensure that our pupils experience a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Every child in our school is involved in competitive sports as part of PE lessons, extra-curricular clubs and activities, cluster tournaments and other team sporting events that take place throughout the school year. We work alongside Worcestershire West Sports Partnership so that our children are given the opportunity to compete at a district level, attending sporting events throughout the year.
Our cluster of schools has a very clear vision for PE and sport which involves increasing the opportunities for competitive sports for all pupils.
We are pleased to receive the grant again for 2024-2025. Please see this year's strategy to spend this money to positively impact children's health and fitness.