News Flash


Tel: 01299 822002 fb
Email: [email protected]
Headteacher: Tracie Langfield

Equality and Information Objectives Policy

Please click here for our Equality Information and Objectives Policy.

Statement of intent

Astley Primary School recognises that certain groups in society can be disadvantaged because of unlawful discrimination they may face due to their race, sex, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, or pregnancy and maternity.

The school has a statutory duty to publish an Equality Information and Objectives Statement. This policy sets out how the school determines its equality objectives.

Astley School’s equality objectives

While aiming to improve continuously the implementation of equality related policies and procedures, and ensuring that due regard is taken always of the impact of actions and decisions on pupils and staff with particular characteristics. Astley School has established the following objectives for the period 2023-2027:

(a)    ensure that the progress and attendance of pupils who have disabilities at least matches that of other pupils.

(b)    increase the opportunities for promotion of diverse cultures and lifestyles within the school curriculum.