News Flash


Tel: 01299 822002 fb
Email: [email protected]
Headteacher: Tracie Langfield

First Aid & Medication

Please click here to read our Medical and First Aid Policy.

We ask parents to advise us of any ongoing medical conditions or allergies when children start school in order that we can provide the appropriate care for them. 

We have a number of First Aiders within school who are able to deal with minor injuries and illnesses. If we feel that a child is unwell, we will contact parents and discuss whether or not the child should go home in order to recuperate.

To ensure that we can contact parents quickly in the event of an emergency, we ask that parents advise us of any contact information changes, eg. a new mobile telephone number or address change, in order that we can keep childrens' records up-to-date.

We will administer medicines when prescribed by a doctor or when it would be detrimental to a child's health or attendance not to do so. Parents must complete a consent form.

Please speak to the School Office should you require any assistance or further information.