News Flash

Tel: 01299 822002 fb
Email: [email protected]
Headteacher: Tracie Langfield


If you or anyone in your household has one of the following symptoms, your child should not attend school and you should engage with the NHS Test and Trace and self-isolation processes. Please ring the School Office to report suspected or confirmed cases during term time.

Please note that face coverings are to be worn by adults dropping off and picking up from school. It is very important that children and adults social distance at the school gate please.

The DfE have updated their parents' information here. The critical workers list is available here. Please read our update on 04.01.21 to understand how we are applying this to our situation.

Do take a look at our Remote Learning Policy which will advise you what will happen if children are unable to learn at school. 

If a class is learning from home, the teacher will be using Teams to set work for their children. Do have a look at this video guide to help you get started!

For further details about what action parents should take in certain circumstances please click here. Please do ring the School Office and we will be happy to help you!

We are working hard to keep everyone safe. Please take a look at our updated risk assessment for further details which is written in line with local and government guidance. Our parents letters describe the measures we are taking in further detail. 10.07.20  31.08.20  04.01.21

Our staggered starts and finishes are designed to keep our classes separate and our parents socially distant. Please arrive at the earliest time and pick up at the latest time if you have more than one child. 



Ash Class

– via class door

Willow Class

– via class door

Elm Class

– via pupil door

Oak Class

– via rear door

Hall Bubble

-via hall door

Stay and Play

– via hall door

Year groups


Year 1 & Year 2

Year 3 & Year 4

Year 5 & Year 6

Mixed Years

All – Stay and Play

Time in






7.45am to 8.45am

Time out






3.15pm to 5.30pm